Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday night at the Movies

The one thing we hadn't done so far was get to the cinema, to a see a movie.

Tonight was the night, as it is only on Saturday nights that the Movie is run (unless it rains, then they show it on Wednesdays), and this is our last Saturday on the island.

So Nath, Zach and myself trooped off to the cinema (Chris was on call, and had been called back to the detention center).

We turned up, and paid our $9, ($2 for kids, and $5 for Adults, its movies at 1970 prices) to the lady with the red bucket, lined up at the kiosk, got our $3 Chock-tops (Home made, with lots of Chocolate), some $2.50 microwave popcorn, and sat down on our wet bench (Did I mention it is in the open air, with no roof.)

As I sat there I noticed a large number of people with waterproof ponchos on, hmm mental note, next time bring ponchos.

The pre-movie music blared out of the surround speakers, which I noticed all had special canvas covers that could be dropped down from the projection booth, I assume in case of rain, hmm mental note, next time bring ponchos.

The 7:30 start time came, and went, the music continued, Zach mentioned there were no clouds in the sky, I pointed out there where no stars either, hmm mental note, next time bring ponchos.

Then it started, with an announcement that the projector didn't seem to be working, and there would be no movie tonight, and that to see the lady with the red bucket, and she would refund the ticket admissions.

So we came home with the popcorn, and watched "The Fugitive" on TV, not quite the same, but a good movie in any-case.

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