Saturday, January 1, 2011

Breakfast at the Malay Club

On Boxing day we had breakfast at the Malay Club.

$1.50 for a wonderful breakfast

Zach tried a curry pancake, he said it had an interesting taste, and then didn't eat it any more.

Afterwords, the kids climbed a local Palm tree, and tried to get the coconuts down.
(Which they couldn't do, so one of the Doctors helped)

Zach was then shown how to make a hole in a green coconut and drink the fresh coconut juice.

Very cool skill to know, as cracking them open is very hard (Although Zach has got it down to a fine art.

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When we went home we watched the Poms smash us at Cricket for about 5 minutes before deciding there were better things to do than watch Australia loose so badly.

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