So for breakfast back to the Malay club for the last Sunday breakfast with the Doctors (and not just for us, they have run out of food, so they will be closing from next week until the ship docks)
After Chris and the kids went for a swim at the Rec center, while I had some kid free time.
In the Afternoon, we went for a walk to the Golf course lookout, it was an amazingly steep walk through the rain-forest past a cemetery in the middle of the jungle, halfway down a cliff (I have no idea how they actually carried the coffins in there).
When we got to the end of the track, the view was well worth it.
Below us we could see the golf course, and there where birds everywhere flying around us. It felt like Jurassic park, the birds where surprisingly large, we have only seen them from the ground, and its hard to judge the size from that distance. The big ones where had a very large wingspan, (looking it up on Google, the say up to 1.5m and that's big in a bird flying just over your head)
In any case this photo was taken facing North West Australia, which is just 1600Km away.
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