As soon as some people we met on the Island found out we didn't have transport all the time, (Five Doctors, two cars) we got the offer firstly of a scooter, shown right for the entire time we are here, and then yesterday, a family going to Perth for three weeks, said, you can use our car while we are away, so we got the Holden Rodeo until mid January.
The Christmas Island people would have to be the friendliest, most helpful people I have ever met, all they want to do it help you, its amazing, as for security, this is the first place, I've been where the car keys, if not in the ignition, are probably sitting on the sun-visor.
Petrol costs $1.92 per litre (for the scooter) and Diesel costs $2.21 per litre (for the Rodeo)
Put $4.25 in the scooter (filled it up), and $30 in the Rodeo (half a tank) and we should be fine for the next couple of weeks.
By the way, where we are living looks just like the building in the background behind the Rodeo, but our building is actually in front of the Rodeo, and the roof is about level with the road the Rodeo is parked on (I dont think I have mentioned that Christmas Island is one of the hilliest places I've ever been, I'll have to get some photos looking down on the Cove so you can all understand how high we are above sea level)
Love to see you all on the scooter?